Let’s be honest – it’s not the most creative concept for an album cover. Just have the female artist or some model just sit down on a chair… that’s it. Still, when you pull from the far corners of the vintage vinyl landscape, you can wind up with a good, interesting variety of sexy seated sirens of song. Let’s have a look at 25 examples of (mostly) obscurities from around the world. Have a seat, and enjoy…
(1) Strip Along With Us… but first, sit in on a wire frame chair and aggressively point at your own cheeks.

(2) Andy Williams’ ex looking all angelic and innocent. It wouldn’t be long be for she was killing professional skiers.
(3) That’s quite the enlarged deck of cards. Either the band Joker was visually impaired, or they needed cards big enough to keep their cover from being x-rated. Still, it looks a bit odd with a big dumb card dangling from her mouth.
(4) This album from Sounds Nice delivers a chair tour de force. Did Paul McCartney really name them? Or did he simply say they sounded nice, and they went with it?
(5) This Mama’s Boys LP is always a favorite – it’s shamelessly tacky in a way that only hard rockin’ bands from the early eighties could deliver.
(6) I’m confused by what she’s holding. Is that a folding privacy screen she’s somehow holding on its side? No comprende.
(7) Holy cow – Serena has a spectacular set of furniture.
(8) I don’t think this poor girl understands how this chair works.
(9) For more amazing gals on chairs from yesteryear, check out: Girls on Chairs: 50 Stunning Vintage Images of Seated Ladies
(11) She doesn’t look like “Pedro Conga”… it’s just as well. Records sell better when there is a pretty lady on the cover, rather than the actual instrumentalist. For examples, see Bikinis on Record: 35 Album Cover Beach Girls of the 1960s-1980s
(13) That would have been awesome if John and Paul had done one last album together and this was the cover.
(14) Hey, when I said I was going to deliver some vintage obscurities, I meant it.
(15) A lot like the Claudine Longet album (#2), but with less flowers and less murderers.
(16) For more Chart Busting Top Hits Girls, see: Chart Busting Babes: 64 Top Hits Cheesecake Album Covers
(17) If you wonder whether these odd little cheesecake drenched compilation albums were popular, take note that they’re on volume 20.
(18) I don’t actually know what Italian Disco Trumpet sounds like, but if the cover is any indication, I’m looking forward to hearing it.
(19) Yes, I know this isn’t an album cover (it’s a single sleeve). Let’s not get technical.
(20) Lyda, from the Netherlands. Side B of this single is “Let’s Concentrate On Feeling Good”…. and I think Lyda is about to do just that.
(22) “Girls ‘n’ guns” might be a fun album cover theme. Let me know if you’ve got another suggestion – I’d love to hear it.
(23) Album covers featuring the big wicker chair were really a trend back then… who knew?
(24) Ah, the egg chair. Stay tuned for a full post on this wonderful piece of furniture from the past.
(25) Sorry. Just seeing if you were paying attention. Here’s four more to make it up to you. Cheers.
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