The University of New Mexico’s Centennial Science and Engineering Library hosts these images of Nuclear Engineering Wall Charts. The graphics appeared in Nuclear Engineering International magazine from it inception in 1956 to 1998. Nuclear power has had its successes and disasters – but it’s rarely looked better.
Title: Sizewell B PWR, Nuclear Engineering International – The World’s Reactors, No. 83, Sizewell B PWR, Sizewell, Suffolk, UK. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering, December 1982
Title: Kruemmel BWR – Nuclear Engineering International – The World’s Reactors, No. 99, Kernkraftwerk Krummel. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering, 1993
Title: System 80+ Yongwang 3 & 4 – The World’s Reactors, No. 97,System 80+ [e.g. Yongwang 3 & 4], USA. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering, 1992
Title: Gosgen PWR – The World’s Reactors, No. 76, Gosgen, Daniken, Switzerland. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering, February 1980
Title: Palisades PWR – The World’s Reactors, No. 49, Palisades, South Haven, Michigan, USA. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering, January 1970
Title: Winfrith SGHWR – The World’s Reactors, No. 42, Winfrith SGHWR, Dorset, England. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering, May 1968
Title: Wylfa Magnox – The World’s Reactors, No. 39, Wylfa Magnox, Wylfa, Anglesey, UK. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering, 1965
Title: Windscale AGR – The World’s Reactors, No. 32, Windscale AGR, Windscale, Cumberland, UK. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering, April 1961
Title: Snupps: Standardized Nuclear Unit Power Plant System – The World’s Reactors No. 68, Snupps: Standardized Nuclear Unit Power Plant System, Kansas City Power & Light Co., Burlington, Kansas. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, November 1975
Title: Guangdong Nuclear Power Plant – The World’s Reactors, No. 93, Guangdong Nuclear Power Plant, Twin unit PWR station located at Daya Bay, People’s Republic of China. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, September 1987
Title: Grand Gulf – The World’s Reactors No. 77, Grand Gulf, Middle South Energy Inc./Mississippi Power and Light, near Port Gibson, Mississippi. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, September 1980.
Via: New Mexico Digital Collections, Bibliodessey