Name: John Dowson
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 7 February 1905
These mug shots are of prisoners brought before the North Shields Police Court between 1902 and 1916.

Name: Margaret A O’Brien
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 6 August 1904
Margaret Ann O’Brien made it into the pages of Shields Daily Gazetteon13 August 1904:
At North Shields to-day, Margaret A. O’Brien (14), 1 Queen’s Terrace, North Shields, was charged on remand with unlawfully attempting to obtain from John Thos. Hewitt the sum of £1, the money of Messrs Irvin and Sons, fishing boat owners, with intent to cheat and defraud. She was further charged with obtaining £1 on another date from the same firm.
In the first case Mr Hewitt stated that the girl came to the office of his employer on the 5th inst., and said she had been sent by Mrs Davies, the wife of an engineer serving on one of their boats, the Langley castle, and asked for a sovereign. As she had twice previously been at the office for money, supposed to be for Mrs Davies, but which she had never received, witness detained her and sent for the police.
Elizabeth Ellen Davies, wife of George Davies, stated her husband was employed by Messrs Irvin and Sons. She had never sent the accused to receive any money at the office. She had only seen her once before and only knew her by sight.
Detective-Sergt. Scougal spoke to being called to Messrs Irvin and Sons’ office on the Fish Quay and finding the accused detained there. He charged her with attempting to obtain £1 by means of false pretences and she admitted the offence. At first she told him that her sister sent her, but subsequently she said she had gone on her own initiative.
On the second charge it was stated in evidence that the accused went to the office on the 29th ult. and asked for£1 for Mrs Davies. This was given to her and she signed the receipt as Lily Muir.
Detective Scougal said when charged with the second offence she stated that a man of the name of Cook had sent her and had given her a share of the money. Her story, however, could not be verified. The accused, who was crying bitterly, admitted the theft in both cases.
The Chairman (Mr F.R.N. Haswell) said the magistrates had been very much puzzled to know what to do with the accused, as she did not seem to have an idea of what theft was. He added that they were going to inflict a punishment upon her which it was hoped would have the effect of reclaiming her from the career in which she had started. He committed her to prison for seven days on each charge. There were two other cases of the same character against her, but one was withdrawn and other was not gone into”.

Name: John Fatherley
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 6 October 1903

Name: George Thompson
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 6 October 1903
The Shields Daily Gazette for 6 October 1903 reports:
At North Shields to-day, George Thompson (17), cartman, Bedford Lane; James W. Brown (18), storeman, Upper Queen Street; John Fatherley (16), cartman, Old Fold; William Stott (15), cartman, Dotwick Street; and James Maine (25), cartman, Queen Street, were charged on remand with stealing from Mr George Otto’s ship chandler’s store in Borough Road, between Aug. 1st and Sept. 28th, five tins of butter, a shoulder of bacon, and a bottle of whisky, valued £2 3s 8d.

Name: Daniel McCann
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 8 August 1904
The Shields Daily Gazette for 8 August 1904 reports:
Daniel McCann (30), Newcastle, and Mary Johnson (30), alias Elizabeth Chantiller, Newcastle, were charged with stealing the sum of 7s 2d from George Henry Lilley on the 6th.

Mary Johnson
Name: Mary Johnson
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 8 August 1904
The Shields Daily Gazette for 8 August 1904 reports:
Daniel McCann (30), Newcastle, and Mary Johnson (30), alias Elizabeth Chantiller, Newcastle, were charged with stealing the sum of 7s 2d from George Henry Lilley on the 6th.
The prosecutor stated that at 8.35 pm on Saturday he was going along Collingwood Street when he saw the prisoners, who asked him to stand them a drink. They went into a public-house snug and witness called for three drinks. They were supplied, and immediately afterwards the male prisoner put his arms round his (witnesses’s) neck. The two prisoners then went out and he followed them, and on putting his hand in his pocket he missed his money and some tobacco. He went to the prisoners and told them he had lost his money. They replied “We have not got it”. He informed the police of his loss, and the two prisoners were afterwards arrested.

Name: Donald Kane
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 22 October 1904
The Shields Daily Gazette for 24 October 1904 reports:
At North Shields, Donald Kane, seaman, Dumbarton, was charged with having stolen between 21st and 22nd inst. clothing and other articles from the schooner Agnes lying in the Albert Edward Dock. The first charge was that of stealing a jacket, vest and pocket book, value £2, the property of W.E. Coulthorpe, the master of the vessel. The second was of stealing a jacket and a Naval Reserve book, value 10s, the property of James Stewart, able seaman and the third charge was of stealing a pair of boots, value 5s 11d, the property of Chas. Henry Briscoe.

Name: John Walker
Arrested for: False Pretences
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 30 March 1904
The Shields Daily Gazette for 7 April 1904 reported:
John Walker (25), boilermaker, pleaded guilty to two charges of obtaining money by false pretences at North Shields, namely £2 from John Moffatt on March 16th, and £1 5s 6d and a suit of clothes from Anthony Rutherford between February 27th and March 16th last.

Name: Christopher J. Morton
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 27 February 1905

Name: William Small
Arrested for: Frequenting
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 13 June 1904

Name: William Williamson
Arrested for: Indecent exposure
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 7 August 1903

Michael Mulvaney
Name: Michael Mulvaney
Arrested for: not given
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 17 August 1904
The Shields Daily Gazette for 17 August 1904 reports:
“Michael Mulvaney (63), a tramp of no fixed abode, was charged at North Shields with being drunk in Duke Street, and with begging. The offences were admitted.
Prisoner: This is the first time I’ve been here.
The Chief Constable: What other courts have you been in?
Prisoner: Oh, several.
He was fined 2s 6d and costs or seven days imprisonment in each case”.

Name: Margaret Leadbitter
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 16 August 1904

Name: Catherine Buck
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 3 February 1905

Name: James Wilson
Arrested for: not given
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 29 February 1904

Name: Thomas Wallace
Arrested for: Indecent Exposure
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 17 February 1905

Name: William Sayers
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 24 March 1903

Name: John Gumis
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 5 October 1903

Name: William Balmer
Arrested for: Shopbreaking
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 17 September 1902

Name: William Wadham
Arrested for: Sleeping Out
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 11 July 1904
The Shields Daily Gazette for 11 July 1904 reported:
“At North Shields, Charles Winlow (53), tramp, no fixed abode,
was charge with lodging in a hay stack in Mariners’ Lane without having visible means of subsistence, and was sent to prison for seven days.

Name: Charles Cunningham
Arrested for: Indecent exposure
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 9 February 1903

Name: Nora Jane McCartney alias Marcella Turnbull alias Bulman
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 4 April 1905

Name: Jane Forbes
Arrested for: Larceny
Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
Arrested on: 26th January 1905
Via the Tyne & Wear Archives
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