A wireless set on a motorcycle and sidecar. Date: 09/04/1929
A Greengrocer enjoys a cigarette as he drives down the street with his London ‘shop’. Date: 02/02/1929
Bert Denly, racing motor cyclist,on his Norton 1927 Model 18 500 cc ohv at Brooklands. Date: 01/05/1928
1927: T.E. Lawrence, ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, on his Brough Superior motorcycle.
Date: 26/03/1927
Aircraftsman Thomas Edward Shaw on his motorcycle; a Brough Superior SS100. Shaw was better known as Lt Col T.E. Lawrence or ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ A major factor in the Desert War in WWI, he was also an adviser to Prince Faisal during the Versailles Peace Conference, a renowned author and an archaeolgist. He was killed in a motorcycle accident in 1935.
Date: 26/03/1927
Marjorie Cottle putting finishing touches on her motorcycle
Date: 07/08/1926
Albert “Bert” Denly, Motorcyclist, practising at the Brooklands circuit on his Model 18 Norton.
The boys in the image are unidentified. Date: 06/04/1925
The two Royal Princes, Prince Albert, foreground, and Prince Henry, at Cambridge University use motorcyles to go to lectures.
Date: 13/02/1920
English engineer, Sir Charles Parsons (left) surveys his new invention, a new motorcycle engine, as members of the British Association of Scientists take a keen interest. Thomas Edgar Lewis is seen holding the machine. Date: 26/08/1920
Signor Davide Cislaghi with his one wheel motorcycle called the “Monowheel” which is capable of speeds up to 40 mph. The trials have proved a success and the machine will soon be on the market. Date: 01/01/1923