On Thursday, Sept. 10, 1942 Office of War Information photographer Marjory Collins recorded life at The New York Times newspaper.
Let’s go:

Wire room of the New York Times newspaper. Telegrapher receives dispatch by Western Union from Times correspondent somewhere in the United States

Wire room of the New York Times newspaper. Telegraphers receive and record messages received by Western Union and Postal Telegraph from Times correspondents all over the United States.

Drama department of the New York Times newspaper. Brooks Atkinson, drama critic, longhanding the review of a new play

New York Times newspaper syndicate. Correspondents of American newspapers which are syndicate members. In background, copy boy posts Times dispatches

Photographic department of the New York Times newspaper. The Times syndicates its photographs all over the world; sends some by clipper to Europe daily

Mailroom of the New York Times newspaper. After arriving on a conveyor from the press room, papers are wrapped in bundles according to orders

Library of the New York Times newspaper. Editors and writers can look up every conceivable subject and get information not available in the “morgue”

Mailroom of the New York Times newspaper. Papers, delivered from press room on a conveyor, are tied into packages according to orders from retailers

Radio room of the New York Times newspaper. Tape on which messages have been recorded in international Morse code piles up on floor

Telegraph room of the New York Times newspaper. Telegrapher on the direct wire from Washington, D.C.

“Morgue” of the New York Times newspaper. Tommy Bracken, head of this department, has been with paper fifty-one years, is the oldest employee

Art department of the New York Times newspaper. Photo retoucher touching up a fashion photograph for Sunday paper

Wire room of the New York Times newspaper. Copy boys mimeograph all incoming dispatches which are then passed through slot into newsroom

Wire room of the New York Times newspaper. Copy boys mimeograph all incoming dispatches which are then passed through slot into newsroom

New York Times newspaper syndicate. Foreign newspapers and syndicates buy privilege of using Times news. The paper has so many correspondents all over the world, that often they scoop Associated Press and United Press. Swiss correspondent in foreground, Mexican in back

Photo engraving department of the New York Times newspaper. Examining the dots on the screen of a strip negative in the darkroom before it is transferred to a zinc plate

Newsroom of the New York Times newspaper. Ten o’clock is news room deadline. Copy is sent up to composing room on moving belt. Telegraph desk in background

Newsroom of the New York Times newspaper. The “bull pen” where managing editors and others sit at one side. In foreground, assistant managing editor Rae. In background, managing editor James and night managing editor McCaw conferring

Radio room of the New York Times newspaper. The Times listening post, between 10 and 12 PM, between first and second editions. The operator is listening to Axis news (propaganda) broadcast. Paper in foreground has been previously examined to see what has already been covered in last edition of paper. Operator reports any new angles to city editor. Messages are recorded in tape in international Morse code

Composing room of the New York Times newspaper. Paper mat is made in “rock crusher” and inked for visibility

Composing room of the New York Times newspaper. As make-up of each page is completed, time is marked up on board

Composing room of the New York Times newspaper. Chalk is kept in drinking fountains because it writes better when moist

. Composing room of the New York Times newspaper. Times daily index to the news is set partly by hand. This man has been doing it for fifteen years

Composing room of the New York Times newspaper. Proof press turns out proofs for distribution to make-up editors for correction

Reel room of the New York Times newspaper. Transporting rolls of paper to presses. Each roll weighs about 1700 lbs pounds and will make about 1300 newspapers

Reel room of the New York Times newspaper. Transporting rolls of paper to presses. Each roll weighs about 1700 lbs pounds and will make about 1300 newspapers

Reel room of the New York Times newspaper. Waste paper is picked up off floor, placed in bins, baled and sold to the government for scrap. This young boy is an apprentice, or “fly boy”

Reel room of the New York Times newspaper. In threading paper through presses two rolls of paper are pasted together by automatic paster so that presses never stop …

Pressroom of the New York Times newspaper. As presses are rollig and finished papers start coming off (see background), pressmen read the paper to catch defective press work. Pressman in foreground is filling ink fount

Pressroom of the New York Times department. Finished papers come out of cutting and folding machine on rapidly moving belt. Every fiftieth is automatically slated to facilitate counting

Radio room of the New York Times newspaper. Times news passed by naval censor (see stamps on paper) is sent out twice daily by the Times’ own short wave radio transmitter in international Morse code, and received by ships

Financial desk copy reader on the New York Times newspaper staff has lunch on tray ordered from outside. Lunch in the news room is a half-hour period about 11 PM between editions
Via: Library of Congress, Mashable
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