Blurred By Movement: Kenneth Garland’s Furnishing Fabrics And Wallpaper (1961, 1964)



‘Furnishing Fabrics’ is a series of 1961 images by Kenneth Garland (born Southampton, England in 1929). Between 1956 and 1962, Garland was the art-editor on Design magazine (published by the Council of Industrial Design, whose stated mission since its creation in 1944 is “to champion great design that improves lives and makes things better”.)

He recalls:

“With the valuable cooperation of the magazine’s staff photographers, Alfred Lammer and Harriet Crowder, I did the photography for a number of product reviews… In each case I used human figures, blurred by movement, in association with the products themselves.”

The work hereunder featured in Design 153, September 1961:


furnishing fabrics photographs by kenneth garland, design magazine


furnishing fabrics photographs by kenneth garland, design furnishing fabrics photographs by kenneth garland, design magazine
furnishing fabrics photographs by kenneth garland, design magazine furnishing fabrics photographs by kenneth garland, design magazine


In 1964, Garland again used the idea of moving people before the product. Children pogo-ed, danced and played in front of the wallpaper.


1966 op-art wallpaper Ken Garland 1966 1966 op-art wallpaper 1966 op-art wallpaper 1966 op-art wallpaper

1966 op-art wallpaper 1966 op-art

1966 op-art wallpaper


As ever, if you were one of the models in the pictures above, please get in touch.

Via VADS, Ken Garland, Stephen Ellcock

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