From a series of posters for the Polish Circus. Artist, Waldemar Swierzy. From Graphis Posters 1973.
The end of World War II marked the dawn of a new period in the development of Polish poster art, which became known as the Polish School of Posters. The recently installed Communist regime began commissioning artists to design posters not only with social and political messages, but also and more prominently to promote the many aspects of the government-run cultural media: concerts, exhibitions, film, jazz, opera, theater, etc. and the circus (cyrk in Polish).
Building sites throughout Poland were enclosed with wooden fences, which were quickly covered with posters. These fences served as billboards and events’ notices as well as support for the art of the street. Circus became both the most internationally recognized and acclaimed subject depicted by the Polish School of Posters.
They are gorgeous.

Hubert Hilscher CYRK Illustration
From a series of posters for the Polish Circus. Artist, Hubert Hilscher. From Graphis Posters 1973.

From a series of posters for the Polish Circus. Artist Roman Cieslewicz. From Gebrauchsgraphik No. 12, 196

Jan Mlodozeniec CYRK Illustration
From a series of posters for the Polish Circus. Artist Jan Mlodozeniec. From Gebrauchsgraphik No. 12, 1966.

From a series of posters for the Polish Circus. Artist Maciej Urbaniec. From Gebrauchsgraphik No. 12, 1966.

For a circus founded by the Knie family (Switzerland). Artist Herbert Leupin. From Graphis Annual 57/58.

From a series of posters for the Polish Circus. Artist Jan Mlodozeniec. From Gebrauchsgraphik No. 12, 1966

For a circus founded by the Knie family (Switzerland). Artist, Hans Erni. From Graphis Annual 67/68.

Maciej Urbaniec Illustration
From a series of posters for the Polish National Circus. From Graphis Annual 63/64.

Hans Erni Circus Illustration 2
For a circus founded by the Knie family (Switzerland). Artist, Hans Erni. From Graphis Posters 1973.

Gerta & Alfred Haller Illustration
One of a series of posters for Barlay Circus (Germany). From Graphis Annual 56/57.

Gerta and Alfred Haller Illustration
Poster for Barley Circus. From an article on the best German posters of 1954 in Gebrauchsgraphik No. 8, 1955.
Via: Sandi Vincent, Collier Collective, Circopedia
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