Paul Kwilecki (1928-2009) shows us life in Bainbridge, Decatur County, Georgia from 1961-1981. People are working in tobacco fields, shops and factories. waiting. He shows us supermarket shoppers waiting in line, store owners waiting for customers, people waiting for buses at the Trailways station, families and spectators waiting for verdicts at the Decatur County Courthouse, and Mrs. Tomlinson in the house of tomatoes waiting for the Martian invasion.

Mrs. Tomlinson in the house of tomatoes, 1967

Woman in back seat of car on Water Street, 1965

Interior of Jake’s Pawn Shop on Water Street, 1968
“I’m not trying to make aesthetic images. I’m not in it as an artist…I’m interested in what is going on here.”
– Paul Kwilecki

Mr. Ward in the window of his hardware store, 1968

Outside entrance to Wynn’s Department Store, 1968 Dec
“Insight into a life in Decatur County is insight into lives everywhere.
– Paul Kwilecki

Preparing to enter the Bargain Center, 1978 July

Visiting, 1978 Sept

Ms. Bennet in her jewelry store on West Street, 1978 Oct

Ms. Sasser in her grocery store, 1979 Oct

Woman putting bacon in grocery cart, 1980

Grocery buying, 1980 Mar

At checkout, 1980 Mar

Waiting at checkout, 1980 Mar

Mr. Gause in his Pure Oil Station, 1980 May

At Elmore’s “department” store, 1981 Aug

December 1981

Prostitute standing in doorway of her house, 1965

Man with cigarette picking leaves, 1966

Two women (head shot) in front of tobacco barn, 1966

Sitting on bumper of old car, 1970

Woman and baby in laundromat in Bainbridge Mall, 1973

Junk table with women, 1975 Nov

Trailways Bus Station, 1978 Aug

Trailways Bus Station, 1978 Aug.

Trailways Bus Station, 1978 Sept

Woman in housecoat fishing at Flint River, 1979 June

Couple fishing on tubs, Flint River, 1980 Apr

Mr. Gause in his Pure Oil Station, 1980 May

Dr. M. A. Ehrlich in the doorway of his office, 1980 Aug

Watt Baldwin, Jr. in his garage, 1980 June

People in court room during a session of superior court, 1981 Feb.
Via The Paul Kwilecki Photographs and Papers were purchased by the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke University. Published under fair use. See more of his work at Duke.
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