1976 Brooklyn - Skateboards Old School Boys - 1976 70s Graffiti El Train 1976 Old School Skateboard pose with Edgar, my brother John, and our tenant's kid Jerry. I had them wait for that train in the background while I was on the floor with my Minolta SRT-102 w/20mm Vivitar 2.8 [rectilinear wide angle] Ektachrome home-developed. The 70s - Dig the cars from 34 years ago. See the largest size to see them and the graffiti-riddled train. I did not color-correct away the original cold, dusk bluish color temperature: It would look unnatural and it would have detracted from the end-of-the-day-feel of the photograph. A comment or question? See my other 70s pix set. eks4003: Popeye Doyle and the French Connection were filmed on 60th street, this is 57th ST! I watched Gene Hackman being filmed over and over at the station after I came out on my 7th grade class. In the film we Brooklynites laugh at the chase scene because they keep passing Savarese Bakery on 60th over and over! p.s. My Brother, John, will turn 47 in Dec 2011.. THAT'S how long ago this was! I finally found the next shot that goes with this one! :