Royal Mile, Edinburgh. Don't remember much about this one, except it had a tiny shop on the Royal Mile (Lawnmarket?) and I think it issued a few 45s on its own label. Certainly gone by 1984. Comment: dn784533 45cat forum Phoenix was set up by a former employee of Listen in Glasgow, hence the similarities in lettering, colours, even the motto: "Cheap n Nasty". This predated Listen's Edinburgh branch and you wouldn't have been the first to think that Phoenix and Listen were the same company. Tales are told of Listen customers trying to return faulty vinyl there. Comment: Vladimir Lenin (April 21, 2015) Where Phoenix was metal, Sound Centre / Ripping was punk. This was the place to get your Crass or Dead Kennedys singles, or just to get lost in the vast upstairs collection of thousands of records you'd never heard of. Phoenix was indeed tiny, but a bit further down the Royal Mile - on the corner of Fleshmarket Close, across from the Tron. It was the favoured hangout for metalheads like myself - I remember queuing up to meet Ian Gillan in there, when there was literally no room to move. It was also famous for the acerbic hand-drawn comments and captions attached to record sleeves in the window.Comment: Richard Watt.