U.S. ALCOHOL PROHIBITION BUST - from our story 'The Prohibition Story In Photos: 1920-1933'

U.S. prohibition agents in Atlanta, Ga., intercept a carload shipment of liquor billed as vegetables from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to Chicago, Ill., during the alcohol prohibition in this undated photo. Three sqauds of prison inmates, wearing striped prison gear and ankle chains, break up the bottles with sledgehammers. Inside the doors of the train cars, behind a few crates of string beans and potatoes, prohibition agents found crates of pint bottles of whiskey, several thousand in number, piled five deep in the freight car. A telegram from Fort Lauderdale tipped the federal men that the car was coming through Atlanta. Ref #: PA.2470951 Date: 01/01/1933

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