beard frank politicians - from our story 'The Ram’s Horn: Frank Beard’s Cartoons Save America (1890s)'

beard frank politicians 1899 theramshorn

WHY OUR CITIES ARE BADLY GOVERNED. THE influence of the saloon in politics is not entirely due to the political boss who makes the gin-mill his headquarters. He would be powerless for harm were it not for the infinite multitude of so-called respectable voters who degrade their intelligence and dignity by working and voting shoulder to shoulder with social outlaws. Under a false notion of fealty these men subject their neck to the party collar and go to the polls yoked with ignorance and crime, and at the heels of some low-browed political dictator they sacrifice their country's weal on the altar of partisan allegiance. For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed. Isaiah 9:16.

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