Ireland1960s-46 - from our story 'Fabulous Snapshots Of 1960s Ireland'

1960s Ireland. Dublin, Ireland 1960s "Cheers my name is Colm Irwin and I was about 3. It was strange how I came across the image it was in the evening had just looked at sky news and for some unknown reason googled images of old Dublin and there was this image a bit surreal seeing yourself in the picture. Haven't really changed a good bit taller and I still have my own teeth ... Cheers." This photo has now been featured on TheJournal. Photographer: Elinor Wiltshire Date: 1969

"Cheers my name is Colm Irwin and I was about 3. It was strange how I came across the image it was in the evening had just looked at sky news and for some unknown reason googled images of old Dublin and there was this image a bit surreal seeing yourself in the picture. Haven't really changed a good bit taller and I still have my own teeth ... Cheers." This photo has now been featured on TheJournal. Photographer: Elinor Wiltshire Date: 1969

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