A Wonderful Collection of Salvador Dali’s Book And Lollypop Illustrations

IT’S true to say that  Salvador Dalí was not to everyone’s tastes. But he was savvy, a Damien Hirst of his day, pumping out art to deadline. And you can own some, like the Chupa Chups wrappers he designed.

André Breton to nicknamed Dali “Avida Dollars”–an anagram of Dalí’s name that roughly translates to “eager for cash.”


dali chupa chups


His work as an illustrator has been well documents. We’ve pulled together a collection.


Essays of Michel De Montaigne (free download here)








Salvador Dali: Bilder Zur Bibel (Images for the Bible) (1973)





The Jerusalem Bible (1970)




Wine, Women and Words (1946)





Shakespeare’s Macbeth (1946)










Lautreamont: Les Chants de Maldoror (1975)





Don Quixote de la Mancha (1946)

dali-quixote dali 1

dali-quixote dali 2



Fantastic Memories by Maurice Sandoz (1944)


fantastic memories dali

fantastic memories dali 1


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1966)

Dali alice

alice dali



Crisalida (1958)

crisalida dali

crisalida dali 2

crisalida dali 1



Dante’s The Divine Comedy

dali dante 1

dali dante


Dante’s Purgatorio



Shakespeare’s As You Like It (1959)

as you like it dali


The Mazeby, Maurice Sandoz (1946)

maze dali

maze dali 1


The House Without Windows: A Novel, by Maurice Sandoz (1950)

dali house

dali house 1


On The Verge, by Maurice Sandoz (1950)

on the verge dali 1

on the verge dali


And magazine work appealed to Dali.

Groucho Marx as the Shiva of Big Business, reproduced in Theatre Arts Monthly – October 1939

marx dali


Spotter: DaliBookCollector@matthiasrascherThe Dalí Museum and here.

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